Industrial Water Treatment

Pure and ultra pure process water treatment for industrial concerns, turnkey solutions such as waste water treatment facility mainly.

We present turnkey facilities through partnership with industrial water treatment giant OVIVO Deutschland GmbH, BWT Pharma & Biotech GmbH, leader at the Europe in terms of pharmaceutical industry especially for pure and ultra pure water production, storage and distribution.

We realize test and validation works for observation and automasition systems which we realize to use for various industrial fields requiring validated software and pharmaceutical sector mainly in accordance with methodology mentioned in GAMP5 method.

Industrial Water Solutions

Solutions in cooperation with Europe’s leading water technology company BWT Pharma & Biotech GmbH and worldwide expert in water treatment OVIVO GmbH

In Compliance with GAMP5 and FDA Standards

We develop our software components in compliance with international standards.


GAMP5 and FDA Standards

We develop our software components in compliance with international standards.

Projects in German Quality

Since our establishment we have been working through adaptation we have towards German customers’ hard working conditions.

Innovative Solutions

We use cutting edge technology in a sensitive and innovative view.

Which activites do you conduct?

We realize projects for cosmetics, food and beverage fields and especially for industrial pure and ultra pure process water preparation and waste water treatment facilities.

We also provide services with our solution partners in terms of issues such as filtration, softening, decarbonization, membrane technologies (Micro, Ultra, Nano Filtration, Reverse Osmosis), Pure Steam Gdenerator, Pure Water Distilling which is used in the world for the perfect quality water, UV Systems, Ozon Generator, ion exchange membranes, electrolyse, electro-dialysis, electro-deionization, chlor dioxide generator and dosing pump.

Do programs you use have validation?

Yes. We perform test and validation work for automation and observation systems that we perform to use especially within pharmaceutical industry in accordance with methodology mentioned in GAMP5 method. This is a obligation for the end users in order to get necessary permission from FDA (US Food & Drug Administration) and similar institutions.

Which companies do you work with in this field?

BWT Pharma & Biotech GmbH company which we undertake their needs of documentation, start-up, electricity drawing partly and whole industrial software has activities as a global leader in terms of solutions of sectors which keep in touch with water.

It is leading water technology institution in the Europe by its number of workers about 3000. Our other important customer in this activity type is Ovivo Deutschland GmbH has headquarter in Canada and it is one of the oldest and leading company in the world regarding treating waste water and providing water that is needed during industrial periods.